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Chicken of the Woods Liquid Culture Syringe (10cc)

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Item #: CWL10
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5.00 stars, based on 1 1 review(s). | Write a review
Price: $12.50

    Chicken of the woods is a distinct looking, wood loving mushroom that usually grows in overlapping tiers.  It can range in color from sulfur-yellow to bright orange.  It gets it's name by the way it tastes, although some argue it tastes more like lobster or crab.


    • 10cc Liquid Culture syringe
    • First Generation G1 Genetics

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    Chicken of the woods is an easy to identify mushroom with it's yellow-orange coloring, and tiered/layered growth pattern. The tiers grow between 2-10 inches across.  Most people describe it to taste like chicken, but some will argue that it tastes more like lobster or crab. 

    • 10cc Liquid Culture syringe
    • Alcohol Prep Pad
    • 16G 1.5" Luer Lock Needle

    Names: Chicken of the Woods

    Substrates: Rye Berries, Supplemented Sawdust, Straw

    Incubation Temp: 68-80° F

    Incubation Humidity: 85%-90%

    Incubation Time: 18 Days

    Fruiting Temp: 67-76° F

    Fruiting Humidity: 90%-93%

    Fruiting Time: 20-30 Days

    Overall Customer Rating of 1 Reviews:
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    review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
    Very healthy culture. Had great success with my culture. Fast grower.