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Meet Our Management Team

We are proud to be one of the founding companies in our industry and still hold our small family owned company values. Every single employee loves what they do and is all held together by our amazing management team. Their hard work and dedication through these last crazy 5 years is the reason for our success.



Founder / CEO

Since 2002

Jeff is our Founder & CEO, his passion for mushroom growing turned into a business in 2002, selling "affordable" mushroom growing supplies online. After many successful years as a side business, Midwest Grow Kits was born. 14 Years later the passion for innovating and affordability holds strong.



Director of Marketing

Since 2012

Jennifer has 20 years experience in the medical field and a passion for the science and healing potential of mushrooms. Her creative edge has helped steer the direction of the company and has played a pivotal role in the growth and success. 



Director of Operations

Since 2016

Kyle started in 2016 and brings years of experience from restaurant management. He oversees all the departments, helping keep everything running smoothly & efficiently. Kyle can be seen helping in almost every department when needed, he will do the work of 3 people and not bat an eye. 



Director of Customer Service

Since 2011

Emily has been with the company since the very beginning. She has played many roles over the years but found herself managing the customer experience via email, live chat and phones. Her expertise in mushroom growing brings valuable knowledge and training to new hires and staff.



Product / Brand Manager

Since 2020

Val has been with the company since 2020. His previous experience as a production manager at a small commercial mushroom farm brings a high level of quality control to the company. He manages the labs and is our lead researcher. 



Shipping/Logistics Manager

Since 2018

Nick manages all incoming and outgoing packages and has been with the company since 2019. His expertise in product workflow helps keep everyone organized.



Project Manager

Since 2019

Nicholas is in charge of warehouse operations and has been with the company since 2019. He manages all the warehouse shipping and receiving staff and is in charge of the 12,000+ shipments a month that go out the door.

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