Our top selling product every month! Midwest's Premium Select Bulk Substrate is the perfect combination of Coco Coir, Vermiculite, Hydrated Lime, Gypsum, ph buffers, ph stabilizers, mineral water and a few other choice ingredients. Our select casing comes fully hydrated and pasteurized and is ready to use right out of the bag! Use this along with a fully colonized spawn bag to start your bulk growing experience! Each 5 pound bag comes fully sealed and can be used right away or stored in the fridge/freezer for use up to 6 months later.
Our Select Bulk Casing Substrate is guaranteed to arrive with the perfect amount of water often called "field capacity". All you do is open the bag and mix! We have spent years slowly perfecting this recipe to what it is today. We use only the best quality ingredients and unique additives to provide a consistent, reliable product with the highest ability to resist molds and contamination.
Our Select Bulk Substrate has the highest level of mold & contamination resistance!
use specific ingredients that create a mushroom friendly substrate that
resists mold and bacteria better than any other brand we have tested.
We pasteurize, not sterilize. The lower temperatures help retain the
natural anti-microbial properties of coco coir that keep mold and
bacteria issues away.
Perfect for grain or dung loving mushrooms!
Links to our PDF step by step Bulk Growing Guide are included with your order!
Overall Customer Rating of 331 Reviews: