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Active Air Infused Complete XL Liquid Culture System  liquid culture kit, mushroom growing kit, Midwest liquid culture, spore syringe, liquid mycelium, mushroom cultivation, mycology supplies, high-density filter, injection port, large culture jar, spawn bag, substrate jar, pressure sterilized, grow mushrooms, mushroom growing supplies, XL liquid culture solution, mycelium growth, mycology beginners, clone jar

Active Air Infused Complete XL Liquid Culture System (AA32)

5.00 stars, based on 6 reviews
"Unveiled at the 2024 OKC Mushroom Festival"  "Limited Introductory Pricing! " Midwest Grow Kits introduces the Active Air Liquid Culture System, a professional-grade, shippable version of the liquid culture setup we’ve used in our lab for...


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  • Easy to use
  • amazing fast
Wow! I am very impressed. I have tried other liquid culture jars and have had success but nothing like this. It works amazing and Fast. I good not be happier with my purchase.

Got Mine Saturday at Mush Fest!

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That was so cool of you guys to launch this at OKC Fest! I wanna say how awesome this system is! The display you guys had was mind blowing! I can't believe how much mycelium those jars had! I inoculated mine on Sunday and its Wednesday and I am seeing tons of small balls forming already! Incredible! Can't wait for you guys to sell the lids by themselves! I will be buying many!

Great Product !!

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  • Easy to use / Great Quality
Another Excellent product from Midwest Grow Kits. Simple to follow directions, Easy to inoculate, Fast Colonization time, Thick Healthy Mycelium, Easy to extract from jar into syringes. I would definitely recommend this product to others.

Innovative way to expand LC's

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Picked this up on a whim, I am on day 4 of expanding one of my favorite strains and this is getting interesting! I have never seen mycelium act this way. So far so good! I am seeing way much more mycelium in only 4 days versus a standard stir plate. I will update at day 7!


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Scraped a bit of mycelium off agar and stuck it in. It was rhizo so it was a bit sickly looking at first but following all instructions I was rewarded with very healthy culture! Ingenious, great job team.